January 2018

I realized that by updating daily, I need to work on the page, it desperately needs a search and an archive. So hopefully I will be able to add these features very soon. Also much more tags, not all entries can be labeled 'Thoughts'. Writing down 'Thoughts' is all I do here.

My Space consuming Bullshit

What I realized writing yesterday's blog entry is that I just wrote what came to my mind, reminded me of an old blog where I did just that, I loved doing that. Of course, I’d love to spend hours and … more →

The Day still has just 24 Hours

I remember back before everyone had a smartphone and social media was a big part of our daily routine we had enough time, in fact, we had so much time that without a hobby you started to get bored. … more →

And once again it’s a (working) Monday

Actually compared to Garfield, nothing happened…. yet. But damn after two weeks of vacation time, getting up early again for work was really hard. Plus I felt tired almost the whole day through. … more →

The End of the F***ing World

I stumbled upon this new TV Show on Netflix and four Episodes in I’m hooked. Love the very dry and British style, nothing flashy. But on the other hand, it’s a very raw show and it definitely isn’t … more →

Sorry for no Blog entry yesterday but I started my yearly spring cleaning early, which kept me busy during the day. Might add an entry later tonight.

Going wireless with the Airpods

I thought long and hard about getting the Airpods (i think they are out for over a year now?) but because they seemed expensive and they look funny/weird/dumb on people I hesitated. Now recently two … more →

A Supplement to Subtitles vs Dubbing

After yesterday's blog entry I decided to check the yearly report from ProCinema and see if they have any stats on original versus dubbed Movies. What I found are two stats actually, the first one … more →

Subtitles vs dubbed Movies

Recently I wanted to watch a movie at the cinema with a friend of mine, so we looked through the program and noticed that pretty much all movies were only shown in the dubbed version. That pissed me … more →

Why Blog and not use Twitter?

One could ask why I would keep on using a blog to write down my thoughts and not use what everyone else is using: Twitter. With Twitter, you can reach a lot more people a lot easier. I think the … more →