Airpods after 4 Months
Four months ago I purchased the Airpods when they were on sale, I thought it was a good offer and I was in need of new small Bluetooth headphones after I bought myself a new iPhone, one without a … more →
Four months ago I purchased the Airpods when they were on sale, I thought it was a good offer and I was in need of new small Bluetooth headphones after I bought myself a new iPhone, one without a … more →
Avengers Infinity War is not really a movie, it’s an event, an event 10 years in the making. I think Infinity War is best described as the Season Finale of Season 3 (or Phase Three when speaking in … more →
For the last three months, minus the 2 weeks where it was off to the Czech Republic for repair, I’ve been using an iPhone X. I hesitated a long time to actually buy one, I think the infamous Notch … more →
By clicking on the video, I agree to external content being displayed to me. This may transmit personal data to third-party platforms. Read more in my privacy policy. I just finished watching … more →
I stumbled upon this new TV Show on Netflix and four Episodes in I’m hooked. Love the very dry and British style, nothing flashy. But on the other hand, it’s a very raw show and it definitely isn’t … more →
I thought long and hard about getting the Airpods (i think they are out for over a year now?) but because they seemed expensive and they look funny/weird/dumb on people I hesitated. Now recently two … more →
15 Jahre nach dem ersten Teil folgt nun die Fortsetzung. Die Vorfreude auf den Film war gross, doch das Ergebnis ist dann doch sehr enttäuschend. Es gibt Filme deren Qualität einem besser in … more →
Captain America: Civil War startet die dritte Phase des Marvel Cinematic Universe und dies gleich mit einem Kracher. Die Messlatte die Winter Soldier gelegt hatte war hoch, doch Civil War meistert … more →
Robert De Niro eine lebende Legende, Oscar Gewinner und der Inbegriff des Method Actors ist drauf und dran seinen Status zu zerstören. Es gibt Filme die sollte man einfach nicht sehen, Dirty Grandpa … more →
Disney hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihr Animationskalatog neu zu verfilmen, in Live-Action. Nicht immer gelingt dies, doch The Jungle Book ist eine äusserst gelungene Neuverfilmung. Ich muss ehrlich … more →