
The Life of Patrick

Just a quick update for today. Actually, I wanted to make an even short status update but then while drawing I had such a blast with these that I decided to post them as today’s Blog post. The reason … more →

Some more doodling around

I took yesterday’s cartoon version of me and used it as a base. So I tested different versions of it, different head-shapes mostly to see what works best. I also tested different ears and shapes for … more →

Trying to find my own Style

I’m trying new styles when drawing faces, this time I tried to overemphasize certain things and go a bit to the extremes. It was drawn rather fast once I had that specific drawing but getting there … more →

Happy St.Patrick's Day Everyone!

Today everything is green because obviously, it’s St.Patrick’s Day and that has to be celebrated, especially if you’re named Patrick. So since around this morning I updated the page with a special … more →

Whoooops, I put on some Weight

Oh my, I was on schedule to get in shape for summer, for bike and hiking season, and now this! Somehow I gained some weight over the last month and now I have to put on some extra hours on the bike … more →

A colorized Cartoon Family Portrait

For my mother's birthday, I thought I could expand the drawing I once made for the 30 Day Drawing Challenge. It meant improving it further, drawing it on a canvas with a much bigger resolution and in … more →

My first own drawn Cartoon Character

It all started when we went to the regular sprint pizza get-together at work. I joked that I’m having a problem unlocking my iPhone when I’m lying in bed and holding the phone too close to my face. … more →

After a long break, I used the iPad as a drawing tool, which was a lot of fun using the pencil again. I kinda missed it actually, but of course, it helps to have a day off to use it because drawing takes so much time. But who knows, I might use it again more often in the near future and some cool stuff. The work I did today will be shown a bit later, it's something I've drawn for a special occasion.

I really don't understand littering

Something I just don’t seem to understand is the thought process when throwing trash on the ground, even more so when it’s a burning cigarette. I mean come on, they don’t even put it out. After all, … more →