Various Winona News
And straight on with the quotes:
Will: “So you’re Katie’s daughter – so that makes you about…”
Autumn in New York
Simon (blurts out): “22 and never been kissed”
Will (pensive, smiles): “No…, no I don’t buy that – Happy birthday, … Charlotte”
Charlotte: (shyly – as only Winona can do it) “…Thank you”
Will (about Charlotte): “She’s not underage, she’s 22”
Autumn in New York
John: “Oh…”
Will: “And I know her grandmother real well, an old friend”
Sarah (indignantly): “Please tell me you’re not going to date her!”
Will: “The grandmother, never, I promise you I’m never touching that woman”
Charlotte (about the hat): “ok”
Autumn in New York
Will: “When can I have it”
Charlotte: “Umm, let’s say… 2 weeks”
Will: “Great, great…, I’ll give you until Thursday at four o’clock”
Charlotte: “Wow!”
Will: “And one other thing – you say wow an awful lot”
Charlotte: “I know”
Will: “Well you’re a grown up now – when’s that gonna stop?”
Charlotte: “I.., soon”
Will: “I’ll see you Thursday”
Charlotte: “OK, bye”
Will: “Bye” (hangs up)
Charlotte (smitten): “Wow!”
'Uwe' is also curious to know if anyone else in the group has sent their birthday wishes to Noni (possibly via 'Linh'). What've you all been saying, guys? 'Uwe' - thanks for your kind words. I hope today's AINY quotes will be to your liking! By the way 'Uwe', I must say I cheated on looking up your film quote on the internet, but it HAS made me want to watch True Romance all over again. I'm a bit of a sucker for Patricia Arquette - 'Bringing Out The Dead', and a couple of recent films about the underworld 'Stigmata' and the soon-to-be released Adam Sandler comedy, 'Little Nicky' - oh, that reminds me of Lost Souls again :-)
Don't look now, but somebody's added a Birthday Corner edition to the 'Nonsense Board' - MistaG will be writing to some of you soon, so stay tuned! By the way MistaG, 30 is not really too bad. I mean Winona's pushing on for that herself and she's not too shabby!
Big thanks to 'Dom' for providing us with this scanned excerpt from the French 'Voici' article first talked about here on the Message Board by 'RM' - Poor old Matt's practically lambasted for being too clean-cut (and therefore the odd-ball in Winona's known list of beaus). Of course, Winona is being very coy here when asked if marriage is in the air (but probably from a past interview and no doubt NOT being asked about marriage to Beck it should be said). I like the ending:- "Who says a holiday romance doesn't last?". One question, though: Why do some recent articles refer to Winona as a comedienne (and AINY as a comedy)?
Right, I've just come home with The House Of The Spirits on DVD - apparently, Winona had a very bad time off-screen during the making of this movie, but I can't remember it too well. Needless to say, I'm off to a darkened room for a refresher course with my big-screen TV, DD5.1, popcorn and Coke - see you for more tomorrow!
Oh yeah, one more thing - for today's quiz, with Noni's birthday drawing ever nearer, who can suggest what we're going to set the JavaScript countdown to point to next? I could suggest "days until the Academy rewards her for the talented actress that she so obviously is", but I think it's probably limited to a 32-bit number! Any suggestions? - please, please keep those emails coming (
OK, it's 1 AM, I've just come back from seeing 'Almost Famous' which was pretty good (though completely Noni-less, AND at the expense of seeing Lost Souls for the 3rd occasion I might add), now take these 2 of my special prescription pics and call me in the morning. Goodnight all.