New Fanart today
Well it's time for an update again, the last few days have been kinda busy and still hot, but it's said to cool down a bit... THANK GOD.
First, we have 6 new wallpapers (and his first submissions) from JustChecking. Some nice work there, and thanks for being the first one using the upload feature (more to that later below) Check the link and below are 4 examples of his work.
6 Wallpapers by Just Checking
I also noticed that from the AGCN comics created by Hervé and Phil, not all have been shown in updates but were included to the galleries... so I wanna show you the ones you might have missed... Thanks to the creators of the comics who (unfortunately) no longer are able to do it.
Now to how you can upload your own fanart to the gallery yourself. The very first folder you see is called 'Upload Here'. There any registered member can upload his/her own work which will later be moved to the right folder (the folder your previous work already is or I will create a new one IF the uploaded work is your first submission.)