New Winona Appearance
Are you guys having problems with hot weather too? It's killing me here... 84°F/30°C and thanks to the computer and the stereo which heat the room up even more I'm sweating the whole time. Plus I have a HUGE window so the sun can shine through from noon on till dawn, it's great, it really is, hehe.
Well, Winona was seen in public again, at a Baseball game in Los Angeles, at the Dodgers Stadium to be exact, but so far only small thumbs have been found but I hope we get some new ones (maybe even HQ?) soon... till then enjoy these. Thanks to joan00arcadia for finding these.
Winona @ Baseball Game
I also got a new collage from Doris, thanks a lot for this one and I hope more people will send in their fanart again as they used to in the old days.
As far as new movie pics (vidcaps) for the gallery, well they will come, just very slowly.