Working on a new look
I wanted to change the look of the page for a long time now but I never had the time or the idea of what it should look like. For work, I looked into the Bootstrap framework and realized how simple it is to create a responsive layout with it. So over Eastern, I had some time and started to create a simple layout with Bootstrap for SoaPatrick. Now, this weekend I moved that layout into a WordPress theme and this is what it looks like so far. Some things are still missing or not yet implemented (like the Portfolio or Archive) but I thought it’s enough to make it public and work with it further on the live version.
What’s also new is a slightly changed look of the logo on the left. I took the old one and rotated it slightly to make it look more of a letter S instead of the letter P. And I created a new variation with lines instead of full-color spaces. I really like the new direction and the clean look and feel of it. As for the font, I searched long and hard and so far decided to go with Helvetica Neue to keep the clean look.
So I will keep working on the theme here on the live version