
Did a lot of work behind the scenes. Redesigned the Status, Link and Quotes Formats and I went through all 500+ Blog Posts and reformated them for Gutenberg. I might go through them once more and choose Tags much more wisely. But now I’m tired and will rest a bit.

It was a stressful week and I need a breather, so there's nothing to report except to report that nothing new will be up tonight. I'm off to bed to get some sleep and have new energy tomorrow and maybe find time to post something meaningful again.

Was preparing something cool for tomorrow so there won’t be a big update today, but be sure to check back tomorrow! Oh and I’ve improved the drawing from Wednesday.

The Soap Factory just opened its doors once again! So far only with images and no detail page, that will follow once I've included all the recent Factory Items.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather, had plans for a follow-up on yesterday's Blog Post but I was missing the needed energy, therefore just a short status update.

Ready for the Academy Awards, will be another long night and hopefully one with a few nice surprises. Unfortunately, I didn't see all the nominees but I'm hoping for certain winners. There will be a longer and more interesting update tomorrow.

After a long break, I used the iPad as a drawing tool, which was a lot of fun using the pencil again. I kinda missed it actually, but of course, it helps to have a day off to use it because drawing takes so much time. But who knows, I might use it again more often in the near future and some cool stuff. The work I did today will be shown a bit later, it's something I've drawn for a special occasion.

I was watching Super Bowl LII last night or better yet this morning so I'm still kinda tired. Was an awesome game though with the perfect winner. More an all this tomorrow

I created a new folder with a starter theme from for a possible version Five. I'm not sure when and IF this page gets a new design, but I love the idea of a dark theme, you know to save battery on all those OLED screens, so I'll see where this will go.

I made some housecleaning on my blog (removed old Themes and Plugins I don't use anymore) and also some old Blogs that used up Databases. And at the same time though I could finally use Git to develop and deploy changes to the theme. It's a much more streamlined development workflow now which hopefully brings lots of benefits, especially for a possible future new design.