Some Thoughts on 2022
It seems like the last two or three years, with every new start of a year I come out swinging, meaning new posts much more regularly, but I don't question, just go with the flow. And today I look … more →
It seems like the last two or three years, with every new start of a year I come out swinging, meaning new posts much more regularly, but I don't question, just go with the flow. And today I look … more →
As like last year, after some stats, I follow up with some things that I didn’t like and things I liked during the last year. Gone are the days of ranked lists, these are just randomly put together … more →
Last year I started with a different kind of look back or recap on the previous year, no more top ten lists but rather an unsorted or alphabetical list of things I liked and didn’t quite like. And … more →
I don’t want to make some top 10 lists about stuff I liked and didn’t like the past year as I did for 2017 ( Best Movies, Worst Movies, Best TV Shows). Or just look ahead like I did last year. No, … more →
I do think we still live in the golden age of television, the problem is that there is just too much TV to watch and by far not enough time. So finding the right shows to get hooked on is difficult … more →
After yesterdays worst Movies of 2017 lies to the focus now on the best. I have to mention here that since my local cinemas don’t show all the movies in English or sometimes just for a short period … more →
Well, it seems oh so popular every time a year comes to an end to publish Top 10 Lists. So I thought I’d follow the trend (like the sheep that I am) and publish my own Lists. There will be three … more →