
Is this thing on?

I think it’s on and I think everything worked just fine. Welcome to SoaPatrickTen and welcome to SoaPatrick officially on Kirby. I could write a long blog post about what all happened behind the … more →

Ten is getting close

It’s almost time I can now safely say. For the past month or so I was working every evening on migrating, designing, and coding the next version of SoaPatrick and it’s gotten to the point of me being … more →

The migration is complete, every piece of content is migrated from WordPress to Kirby. This means from now on I can focus on adding missing features and thinking about a new design.

Migration to Kirby

In November I decided to move my website from WordPress to the Flat-file CMS Kirby and during the last two months, I’ve been busy with first recreating SP9 in the most efficient way and also … more →

It's Kirby Time

I’ve decided to leave WordPress as my CMS and move over to Kirby, a flat-file CMS. I’ve been using WordPress for a LOOOOOOONG time, so this wasn’t an easy decision, and it sure wasn’t a decision that … more →