March 2018

My first attempts at making Movies

My uncle bought himself an old camcorder on eBay to play and transfer Video 8 and HI8 tapes. I too have four old tapes and yesterday I watched what was actually on these tapes because I had no idea. … more →

18 Years ago today I started AGCN

Wow, one of my first big Web pages just got old enough to vote, damn I’m getting old. I‘ve had homepages before, most notably the Jennifer Love Hewitt Fanpage The Love Chronicle and The Love Corner … more →

I'm drawing a Blank here

I’m still a bit tired from the weekend, I mean I fell asleep on the couch just now. So I will keep this one short. If I only knew what to keep short, I have no idea what to write today, nothing. So I … more →

I have 380,000 things on my mind. It’s an air traffic control tower in there. I can’t really imagine anything else gripping me the way directing does. This is all I can do.

David Fincher

Happy St.Patrick's Day Everyone!

Today everything is green because obviously, it’s St.Patrick’s Day and that has to be celebrated, especially if you’re named Patrick. So since around this morning I updated the page with a special … more →

Was preparing something cool for tomorrow so there won’t be a big update today, but be sure to check back tomorrow! Oh and I’ve improved the drawing from Wednesday.

Whoooops, I put on some Weight

Oh my, I was on schedule to get in shape for summer, for bike and hiking season, and now this! Somehow I gained some weight over the last month and now I have to put on some extra hours on the bike … more →

What the Internet knows about You

I stumbled upon an article where it was described how to download everything Facebook has on you. So I was curious and tried it out myself. If you want to know how to do that, go to your Facebook … more →

Finally got my iPhone X back today

After a two-week trip to the Czech Republic where my iPhone X got repaired and back I’m finally in possession of my iPhone again. During this process, I noticed a few things I did wrong. First I did … more →