Let’s recap March of 2018, shall we?
Another month another 30+ blog posts but this month was hard, there were times I didn’t know WHAT to post, my mind was empty and there was nothing clever to squeeze out of it. But I’m not complaining because this was also the month I discovered or realized what I actually wanna do in my spare time. It was a big relief and so far I haven’t changed my mind or thought that I should do something else after all. Sure it might sometimes look like I’m not fully committing but I am. I started to get into drawing cartoon characters, which for me is something that actually has to get better and more refined with a twist of my own style in order to really do animations. So I keep doing that, keep thinking of short jokes or stories to tell in comic form before then going further and actually animating it (for which I really need a new Mac).
I’ve done quite an amount of drawings this month which was really fun and I plan on doing many more in April and even playing around with different characters, hopefully? You know so far I’ve made cartoon characters of me but I don’t plan on doing animations about me so there have to be other characters. But give me time and I will get there.
So there’s that. What else? It was fucking cold this month and it’s only now getting slightly warmer. I’m just happy when I can finally hang my winter jacket back into the closet. But with today’s climate, I wouldn’t be surprised if there won’t be a real spring but jump from winter right into hot and unbearable summer. So here’s hope that we at least get one or two months of nice warm weather before it gets too hot.