Dr Katz Episode
Thanks a lot to 'Mark' for his info on the 'Dr. Katz' show:) I've never heard of this show before but this doesn't mean a thing I mean we don't even get half the shows from the states here in Switzerland:)
'Mark' also gave me the link to a sound file from the 'Dr. Katz' episode with Winona starring. Since this server was slow as hell, I put the file on my server, so here it es, enjoy:)
'Dr. Katz' episode starring Winona [1.8mb, 3.5m]
Finally new pics you must think:) 'Delyar' sent me a whole new bunch of pics from the 'Eyes Wide Shut' premier and 'Hervé' two great pics from her current movies. Thanks a lot 'Delyar' and 'Hervé' :)